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The Independent Filmmakers Coalition of Kansas CityWhile most of this week was spent with family for the Thanksgiving holiday, there was a bit accomplished on the creative side of Brainroot, and it was connected with the Independent Filmmaker’s Coalition of Kansas City (IFC for short).

Monday was our final pre-production meeting for Secrets. It’s a short movie being directed by Matt Connolly this weekend and we’re in charge of the technical production for it. We met Matt through the IFC and we worked on Trailer: The Movie with him. He’s a solid gent and we’re looking forward to the production this weekend.

We feel quite good about how we’ve planned it out. The story all takes place in one single scene: one location, one time-period, “one” set-up. We’ve gone through and created a shot-sheet from the script and done an overhead of the camera positions based upon the location scouting we did with Matt and Michael Loftus (the Assistant Director). In talking with Matt it sounds as though the cast (a tight group of three) are well rehearsed and comfortable with the characters so the production should go as smoothly as it’s possible for a production to go. We’ve got a solid game plan laid out, which will allow us to confidently toss that game plan aside on the day of shooting.

That’s just how things go.

Tuesday night through Wednesday morning was spent composting and rendering out some scenes for Jerry White’s movie 0:22:43. Jerry is another solid chap that we’ve met through the IFC. He helped run camera on one small band shoot we did (hopefully I’ll be able to post more about that in a month or so) and he stuck with us as we tried, failed, tried again, and failed again to get a Lord of the Rings-Guy Ritchie spoof shot. 0:22:43 has been a massive undertaking that he and his team have worked on for countless months and it was great to be able to help them put some of the finishing touches on their project. Check out their website at

That’s all for now. We’ve got a meeting about office space tomorrow. We’re not sure how it’s gonna go, but after talking back and forth we think we’re going to go for it if we’re able. Other than that I can only say “Thanks” to everyone who gives us encouragement. This Brainroot adventure is tough at points, but we’re keeping our stick on the ice. There’s a lot of folks out there pulling for us.


Author Christopher

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  • Micah Cruse says:

    Hey guys, just wanted to say i’m definitely pullin for ya. I see great things for your futures. Keep it up.

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