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hamburglarGood day to you.

As you’ve become accustomed to, nay, dependent on, the weekly update normally comes out on Sundays.

Today is Monday.

On Sunday, the time when the weekly update normally comes out, I was, rather than writing the weekly update, hanging with the Prairie Village police.

I was not, as you may have assumed, working on my bad boy image.  Rather, I was answering questions related to the pilfering of my car by an inconsiderate thief (aren’t they all).

Among the lost are my iPod (the sound of silence sucks), laptop (bye sweet freedom), and spare keys (guess the thief couldn’t drive stick).


The moral of the story, fellow filmmakers, is get insurance.  Stuff happens.  Right now, the company can’t afford to buy another laptop,  so that’s it for me.

The other moral is, fellow filmmakers, back up your data.  I had just e-mailed a draft of the script back to myself the night before, and, if I hadn’t, about 60 pages and 2 weeks of writing would have been lost.  That would have sucked.

In related news, the first draft of the script is done!  Hoorah!

Paul David

Author Paul David

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