In this and the following episode of Wide Ruled, we’ll tiptoe into the ongoing, sometimes aggressive, oftentimes polarized, debate about charter schools. In Wide Ruled – Ep. 005, Lora McDonald, executive director of MORE2 recounts a tale of how her organization discovered and disrupted an instance of collusion between the government and a local foundation convinced that charter schools are the best way forward for Kansas City.
As you’ll hear, Lora didn’t agree.
selected resources:
- Kansas City Neighborhood Academy
- Huffington Post: “Why are Walmart Billionaires Bankrolling Phony School ‘Reform” in LA?”
- “A 2009 study by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University discovered that only 17 percent of charter schools provided a better education than traditional public schools. Thirty-seven percent actually offered children a worse education. In other words, on balance, charters make things worse, even though many of those schools “cream” the best students from regular public schools. Just this month, the same Stanford center released a study that called for stronger monitoring and review processes for charter schools.”
- From an article in The Kansas City Star: “It suggests a conspiracy against our success”- former Kansas City Superintendent Steve Green.